Monday, September 8, 2014

Articulation Cards Bundle

These first few weeks of the new school year have been exciting and exhausting!  I'm getting to know a new group of kiddos at a new campus and traveling back and forth between 2 different schools.  I discovered quickly that I did not have articulation cards for all the kiddos on my caseload.  Being a grad student I also do not have tons of extra dough to purchase I decided to make my own!  The articulation cards in my Teachers Pay Store are cards I made specifically to use with the kiddos on my current caseload.  I plan to add to them and make the sets more complete in the future.  Take advantage of the low prices now.  When I add to or edit a product, anyone who has already purchased it can re-download for FREE!

If you follow my blog and TpT store, you will always be the first to find out when I post new products or have items on sale.  Also, my products will always be on sale (or FREE) the first day I post them, so make sure you follow me so you don't miss out.

I also posted a bundle of all of my current artic cards (plus a few extra sounds).  I am giving away a free copy of that bundle.  Enter my Rafflecopter giveaway below.


a Rafflecopter giveaway